Changelog • Utender

June 26th, 2023 Update [v0.9.7n]

  • Sped up rendering of clock counter and bid placing form

June 26th, 2023 Update [v0.9.7a]

  • Improved pagination for live tenders and ended tenders
  • Improved SEO
  • Added compact numbers in Dashboard
  • Fixed a Mac OS Safari related bug when viewing full tender details on its dedicated page
  • Implemented Email, In App, SMS notifications internal API
  • Implemented in app notifications behavior

June 14th, 2023 Update [v0.9.6]

  • Implemented SEO Optimization techniques
  • Implemented sitemap schema
  • Implemented automatic sitemap submission to search engines
  • Implemented Add Cards & Billing Entities
  • Implemented Top Up functionality
  • Implemented About Us page
  • Implemented How it Works page
  • Implemented User Dashboard views
  • Implemented Tender Favorites / saving functionality
  • Implemented Simple Admin Page for basic content / user control
  • Changed bidding flow for Best Price tenders to force the price to go lower
    • Implemented User Search
    • Implemented User ban, Account Approval functionality
    • Implemented approval of tenders, and user tender type subscription functionality
  • Fixed some UI bugs related to header while user is authenticated on certain pages

April 7, 2023 Update [v0.7.6]

  • Implemented bidding workflow

April 7, 2023 Update [v0.7.5]

  • Added user icon in Mobile Menu
  • Changed design layout for Google Maps integration for mobile users in Post Creation page.
  • Improved Post Creation page responsivity for mobile Devices
  • Show Attachments button now appears in TenderFullView page only when Attachments are available.

March 28, 2023 Update [v0.7.4b]

  • Fixed an issue with Google Maps library loading (sometimes not rendering the maps).
  • Fixed a bug related to Due Date in Tender Full View Page.
  • Fixed a bug related to Tender Category rendering in TenderFullView.
  • Redirect to Dashboard instead of "My Account" page when Sign In flow is completed.

March 24, 2023 Update [v0.7.4a]

  • Configured security rules & API key utilization context for Google Maps Integration into the app
  • Fixed a bug related to "expected tender ending date"
  • Restructured the database to accept origin and destination addresses for Freight & Transportation tender types.
  • Implemented Distance Matrix API from Google Maps in Tender Creation, for Freight & Transportation Tender Types
  • Implemented pin-point location and search of the addresses in Freight & Transportation Tender type creation page.
  • Granted Admin Access to Google Analytics to Administration team

March 17, 2023 Update [v0.7.3]

  • Added icons to the Create Tender page.
  • Added input field for videos in Create Tender page, with restrictions for sources (YouTube, TikTok, Vimeo only accepted)
  • Added functionality for the "see the video" button in Full Tender View pages
  • Added What'sWhat button in the Footer
  • Added functionality for Search Live Tenders and Search Ended Tenders
  • Added 3quotations & Best Price descriptions on Create Tender page
  • Added a more suggestive icon for the user's menu in Header and side menu (visible from Dashboard)
  • Replaced counties with Local/National/International for the preferred area on the Tender Creation page
  • Removed gray background color for image slider in Full Tender View page
  • Fixed some bugs related to auction time calculation when tenders render as search results.